Southeast District Athletic Board Members (2024)

Southeast District Athletic Board Members (2023)
Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) member schools are divided geographically into six districts (Central, East, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest) and are represented by District Athletic Boards. Since 1907, the District Athletic Boards have promoted the purpose of the OHSAA (lifetime values, good citizenship, academic success, ethics, and fair play in safe and sporting environments) while also conducting sectional and district tournament contests. The Southeast District Athletic Board (SEDAB) consists of nine (9) elected members. Member-school representatives are elected to six-year terms as District Board members by a vote of the high school principals of the member schools in that district. Each class (A, AA, AAA) has two members on the nine-member board. In addition, an ethnic minority, a female, and a 7/8th-grade representative are elected. One member of the SEDAB is then selected to the State Board of Directors and serves a three-year term. The SEDAB employs two part-time employees to serve as a treasurer and as a secretary to handle administrative and financial responsibilities. The SEDAB may also employ additional personnel to manage, for example, tournament assignments of officials and the SEDAB website. For information on Southeast District Athletic policies, procedures, tournament information, and current members, refer to the About the SEDAB information links at the top of the page or to the column on the left.